Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Brigadeiros and Beijinhos

Camafeu, Olho de Sogra and White Brigadeiro covered grapes!

Brigadeiro is a simple Brazilian chocolate bonbon, created in the 1940s and named after Brigadier Eduardo Gomes, whose shape is reminiscent of that of some varieties of chocolate truffles. It is a very popular candy in Brazil and it is usually served at birthday parties, but can also be found at any kind of party.
It can also be consumed unrolled, with a spoon or used as a topping or filling for cakes, and brownies.

Variations can be Beijinho (coconut), Olhos de sogra (coconut and prunes), cajuzinho (peanut), and more.

Sweet Egg Angel Hair/ Fios de Ovos

My Grandson's 6th Birthday theme was Outer Space, hence this beautiful cake... the SUN!!

White cake filled with prunes and condensed milk.
Chocolate cake filled with whipped cream and strawberries.
Layer between the two cakes was a famous brazilian sweet, the Brigadeiro.
The sweet egg yolk angel hair is another typical brazilian sweet you must try!