Monday, October 15, 2012

Pao Surpresa/ Surprise Bread

Each Brazilian region has a different name for this dish.  In Sao Paulo we call it, Surprise Bread (Pao Surpresa).  In the south they call it Torta Fria (Cold Bread).  
Choose from the different types of bread and fillings.  The one you see here is filled with beats, spinach, carrots and raspberry jam.  Sweet and savory.  Served cold.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Little Thighs/ Coxinha

Coxinhas, were originally made with chicken thighs, therefore the origin of its shape.
Chicken filled, rolled in a batter and deep fried...  A must try Brazilian delicacy!  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sfihah/ Esfirra

Sfihah was introduced to Brazil by the Middle Eastern immigrants.  
The traditional sfihahs come in a pizza-like form (openned).  However, in Brazil they are more common in this triangular shape.  It can be filled with ground beef and spices, cheese or greens.  
Great for birthday parties!